PANEL: "Considering Collegiate Choral Excellence"
Many post-secondary choral musicians are broadening their definitions of success, establishing goals that include but are not limited to artistic metrics. We also recognize that our institutions carry vastly different priorities, expectations, and resources. What are ways that our programs might characterize “choral excellence” in addition to or beyond technical proficiency? In which ways are we developing innovative and impactful missions? What opportunities and challenges do we find while imagining excellence in a specifically collegiate context?
The following NCCO members have been selected as panelists:
Dr. Dominick DiOrio, Indiana University, moderator
Dr. Reed Criddle, Utah Valley University
Dr. Nicolás Alberto Dosman, University of California-Davis
Dr. Deanna Joseph, Georgia State University
Dr. Dominick DiOrio, Indiana University

Dominick DiOrio has been recognized with The American Prizes in both Choral Composition (2014) and Choral Performance (2019, with NOTUS). Since 2012, he has served on the faculty at Indiana University where he leads NOTUS and teaches courses in conducting, score reading, ear training, and music entrepreneurship for graduate and undergraduate students. He is Artistic Director of the Mendelssohn Chorus of Philadelphia and also past-president of NCCO (2020-21).
Dr. Reed Criddle, Utah Valley University

Dr. Reed Criddle is Director of Choral Activities at Utah Valley University, where he conducts the Chamber Choir and Deep Green (tenor-bass) and teaches conducting and voice. As a conductor and U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar, he has directed ensembles and conducted research throughout Europe, Asia, Cuba, and the United States. With his direction, the UVU Chamber Choir has performed at national conferences of ACDA (2023) and NCCO (2017, 2013). Dr. Criddle has served as president of ACDA-Utah.
Dr. Nicolás Alberto Dosman, University of California-Davis

Dr. Nicolás Alberto Dosman is DCA at University of California-Davis. He was associate professor and DCA at the University of Southern Maine Chorus Master for OperaMaine and Portland Symphony Orchestra’s “MOC Chorus”. His choirs have performed at ACDA, NAFME, national and international stages. He was Maine ACDA president and served on the NCCO board. Dosman plans to make his conducting debut in Vienna and Salzburg in 2024. He holds degrees from Columbia, Florida State, and Oberlin.
Dr. Deanna Joseph, Georgia State University

Dr. Deanna Joseph is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at the Georgia State University School of Music where she conducts the University Singers and leads the master’s program in choral conducting. A recent review of her work states, “the choir sings with great musicality, excellent intonation, clear diction, and a healthy and beautiful pallet of tone colors…” (The Choral Scholar).